What Does the Number 108 Mean?
What Does the Number 108 Mean?
Sacred, cosmic, and divine—the number 108 certainly is powerful! 108 is significant in various religions, numerology traditions, and spiritual practices. From representing unity to existence, it’s an essential part of Buddhist, Hindu, and Western cultures. In this guide, we’ll teach you what 108 means spiritually, culturally, and astrologically. Plus, we’ll even tell you what you can do if it keeps popping up in your daily life.
Things You Should Know
  • The number 108 is a sacred number that signifies the universe as a whole.
  • In Buddhism and Hinduism, 108 represents spiritual connection and unity.
  • If you see angel number 108, it’s likely a sign from the spirits that you’re on the right path—it’s time to follow your dreams.

Spiritual Meanings of 108

Spiritually, 108 is a sacred number that represents the universe. This mystical number is believed to be the key to all existence. It signifies the presence of a higher or divine power, whether that’s God, a deity, or a guardian angel.

In Hinduism, 108 signifies spiritual completion. This religion and culture focuses on enlightening and balancing the mind, body, and spirit. Because of this, the number 108 signifies the unity and wholeness of life. The number is believed to be a positive omen (especially within yogic practices), representing the space between you and the divine. Here are some examples of how 108 makes itself known in Hinduism: The body has 108 marma points (vital life forces). There are said to be 108 styles of meditations. The heart chakra has 108 nadi or energy lines that fuel love and compassion. There are 108 Upanishads or sacred texts of ancient wisdom.

In Buddhism, 108 is a holy number. Like Hinduism, Buddhism focuses on the enlightening of the mind, body, and spirit. The number 108 signifies a person’s connection with a higher power, guiding them toward an enlightened version of themselves. Here are some examples of how 108 appears in this religion and culture: There are said to be 108 earthly desires, 108 lies, and 108 delusions. The holy writings in Tibet are divided into 108 books. There are 108 Buddhist defilements or vices, including abuse and greed. Mala (or garlands of prayer beads) have 108 beads.

In yoga, 108 is the number of enlightenment. It’s believed that there are 108 stages of a spiritual journey, and each stage is meant to challenge you. Along with this, taking108 breaths a day during pranayama is said to bring awareness to the soul and help guide you to your greater purpose.

108 in Astrology

In astrology, 108 signifies a relationship with the sun, earth, and moon. The distance between the sun and the earth is 108 times the diameter or length of the sun. Meanwhile, the distance from the earth to the moon is 108 times the moon's diameter. Along with this, there are 12 houses in astrology and 9 planets. 12 x 9 = 108.

108 in Math

In mathematics, 108 represents the wholeness of existence. This number is considered infinite and divine in connection with the universe, making it a powerful in mathematics. Take a look at these examples of 108’s power: If you add up the individual numbers of the Fibonacci sequence (or “nature’s secret code”), you get 108. The sequence is mathematically described as xn = xn-1 + xn-2 and is said to be the answer to every natural phenomenon. There are 366 days in a leap year—3 x 6 x 6 = 108. Leap years are important because they line the calendar year up to the solar year every 4 years, which some say leads to spiritual abundance or amplified energy.

What does it mean if you see angel number 108?

If you see 108, it may be because the universe is sending you a message. More often than not, repeatedly seeing a specific number is a sign from your guardian angel, a divine power, or the universe itself. Perhaps your bill comes to exactly $108, or you always seem to turn to page 108 of a page. No matter where you see the angel number 108, it’s likely a sign to: Trust your spiritual journey. Keep working toward your goals. Believe in yourself. Follow your intuition. Let go and allow the universe to work for you.

How to Use the Number 108

Manifest your deepest desires. If you keep seeing the number 108, it’s likely a sign the universe is working in your favor. Take advantage of this positive energy and think about what you want most in life. Maybe that’s a raise, a new car, or the chance to meet your soulmate. When you see 108, close your eyes and visualize a future where your wish comes true; this can help you manifest.

Meditate. Use the angel number 108 to cultivate positive energy while you mediate. Maybe you write the number on a piece of paper and hold it in your hand during your meditating practice, or perhaps you focus on the number while closing your eyes. Either way, 108 could bring you peace and abundance during a spiritual journey.

Take a chance and go for your goals. If you’ve been thinking about switching careers or starting your own business, 108 can be a message from the spirit realm—the spirits or angels are saying, “Go for it!” The universe’s energy is working in your favor, so try something new at work, apply for a new position, or make a power move to climb that corporate ladder.

Open your heart. In your love life, 108 is a sign of new opportunity or growth. If you’re already in a relationship, 108 likely means you’re on the right path. If you’re not in a relationship, 108 may be a message that someone special is about to come your way, so keep your heart open!

Trust yourself and your loved ones. Perhaps you’ve been neglecting yourself and your friendships lately. If so, know that the universe has your back—it’s okay to let go. Have faith and trust in yourself and your loved ones.

Know that you’re supported. 108 is typically a positive sign. If the number 108 keeps popping up, it’s likely a message from the universe—help is on the way! Perhaps you need support in a relationship or big decision. Use the number 108 as a reminder that you’re not alone.

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