How To
How to Email Congress
Congress is divided into houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. If you have a question or concern for your representative or senator, you can email them through the official House and Senate websites.
How to Keep Car Doors from Freezing Shut
In cold weather, car doors can freeze shut, and typically at the most inconvenient time. You can end up with a door that refuses to open, a lock that refuses to budge, or both at the same time. But this is not an impossible task. With some preparation, a...
How to Prepare and Cook Seaweed
Seaweed is also known as sea vegetables. While seaweed is low in both saturated fats and cholesterol, it has high concentrations of some vitamins and very high concentrations of many minerals. Claims have been made that seaweed reduces cancer risk and pro...
4 Simple Steps to Get an Expired Domain
A domain name is an identifier of a website that follows the protocol of the Domain Name System. Every website on the Internet has a domain name that is controlled by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN. Some domain names are...
How to Treat Pancreatitis
The pancreas, which produces enzymes to help with digestion and insulin to help regulate glucose, is located in your middle abdomen. Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas is inflamed, which results in malabsorption of nutrients. It can come on suddenly or...
How to Run a Teddy School
Have you ever wanted to run a school for your teddies, but had no idea how? You could even try running the teddy school with your friends for some extra fun. This article will give you information on how you can start a great teddy school. This article i...
How to Read Wind Barbs
Wind barbs are simple visual presentations of wind speed from a given direction. Use this tool to figure out which way the wind is blowing, and at what speed. Meteorologists use these simple diagrams to interpret the current weather, to predict future con...
How to Bend Rebar
Construction experts use the term rebar to refer to pieces of steel that will often constitute part of the inner structure for a piece of concrete. Rebar also has other various uses. Essentially, it is a long piece of steel in a stick or rod shape. If you...
How to Add a New Tab in Microsoft Excel: Your Ultimate Guide
You can add tabs in Excel, called "Worksheets," to keep your data separate but easy to access and reference. Excel starts you with one sheet (three if you're using 2007), but you can add as many additional sheets as you'd like.
How to Add a Watermark to Photos
This wikiHow teaches you how to watermark your photos with custom text. Watermarks prevent people from taking credit for your photos. You can add a watermark for free by using the uMark Online website, or by using Microsoft PowerPoint on your Windows or M...
How to Dominate at Thumb Wars
Thumb wars, also known as thumb wrestling, can be a great way to gain an edge on making small decisions from who gets to ride shotgun to who gets the last slice of pizza. It's also just a way to pass the time or have fun when you don't have any activities...
How to Adapt the Way You Communicate to Different Situations
To be an effective communicator, you have to adapt the things you say and write to fit different contexts. This means that you'll need to adjust your communication style to fit your audience. In the workplace, this means going out of your way to be clear,...
How to Draw Jesus
Jesus Christ is the center figure of Christianity. He gives people hope, trust and faith. Drawing Jesus Christ will require you to keep this in mind so the exact or relative divinity reflects in your drawing. Here is how to draw him.
2 Easy Ways to Draw a Lion
Lions can be fierce, expressive, or cartoonish, making them a great subject for drawing. If you want to learn how to sketch the king of the jungle, we’ve got you covered! We’ve created 2 simple tutorials that teach you how to draw realistic and cartoon li...
Blood Blister Treatment Plus Causes and When to See a Doc
Blood blisters might look like a cause for alarm, but they're fairly common. Fortunately, blood blisters usually clear up on their own within a few weeks, although there are things you can do to feel more comfortable. In this article, we'll answer your qu...
How to Calculate Bond Value in Excel
A bond value calculator capable of accurately determining the current value of a bond, can be easily assembled in a Microsoft Excel spread sheet. Once created, the desired data will automatically appear in the designated cells when the required input valu...