How To
How to Know if You've Sprained Your Ankle
An ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries. It is stretching or tearing of the ligaments that support the ankle. Sprains occur most commonly in the ATF (anterior talofibular) ligament because it runs along the outside of your ankle. The outer liga...
How to Write a Lease
If you're renting property you own, you need a written lease to document the relationship between you and your tenant. A basic lease details the responsibilities of the tenant as well as your duties to maintain the property. You can also include any other...
How to Clean Rust from a Pocketknife
Whether you have found an old knife in one of your old toolboxes or accidentally left a knife outside in the rain, chances are the blade will have rusted. Rust can make a blade ineffective, make it look unappealing, and decrease its value. With a little w...
How to Not Be Bored During Class
Being bored can have a major impact on how well you do at school and how much you enjoy school. There are numerous reasons for boredom, from failure to engage with the subject to feeling it's beneath your intellectual capacity, or just temporary phases of...
How to Treat a Panting Dog
Dogs and panting go hand in hand. You may notice your dog panting with their tongue lolling out the side of their mouth. Since dogs don't sweat like humans do, panting is how your dog cools down. In most cases, panting is a normal part of running or playi...
How to Write a Good Thesis
Do you have a big term paper or essay on your academic horizons? Before diving into your assignment, you’ll need a thesis: a clear, sentence-long explanation at the end of your first/introductory paragraph that defines what your paper will be analyzing, e...
How to Be Confident Around Girls if You're Shy
Feeling confident around girls is something many guys struggle with, but it doesn’t mean you are destined to a lifetime of loneliness. Being shy creates a reluctance to engage socially for fear of becoming embarrassed. Overcoming shyness is about putting...
How to Dress Up Jeans
While jeans are traditionally considered casual wear, the right pair can easily be dressed up for your next Casual Friday, romantic date, or night out with friends. As long as you start with the right jeans, you can create a dressy look with the right top...
How to Become an Astronomer
Astronomy is the study of the stars, planets, and galaxies that make up our universe. It can be a challenging and rewarding career that could lead to amazing discoveries about the way space works. If you have a passion for the night sky, you can translate...
How to Calculate Beta
Beta is the volatility or risk of a particular stock relative to the volatility of the entire stock market.[1] X Research source Beta is an indicator of how risky a particular stock is, and it is used to evaluate its expected rate of return....
How to Flirt With a Shy Girl
You are interested in a shy girl and want to flirt with her to test the waters but aren’t sure how to break the ice. You're not sure if she likes you, and it could be that she's too nervous or afraid to make the first move or to flirt back. If you’ve got...
How to Create a Transparent PNG File With Paint Shop Pro
Sometimes, when you make graphics, you don't want the background showing...or at the very least, you want part of the image to be transparent. Paint Shop Pro allows you to do that. Read this article to learn how to do that with PNGs.
How to Get the Smell of Spoiled Milk Out of Your Car Interior
Spilled milk can seep deep into car upholstery and leave nasty lingering odors. It does not matter whether you are dealing with old spills or brand new ones. There are ways to restore your car's great smell, and prevent those spoiled milk odors from retur...
How to Cook Mackerel
Mackerel is a flavorful, firm-fleshed fish that is easy to cook, low in fat and full of nutrients. There are many ways to adapt this popular seafood to your tastes. Keep a few tips for how to cook mackerel in mind to get the most flavor out of this health...
How to Become a Criminologist
Criminologists study physical aspects of crime scenes and seek to understand the sociological causes and implications of crime. In some cases, they also study the psychology of criminals and may develop criminal profiles (think of TV shows like “Criminal...
4 Ways to Tell If Your Car Speakers Are Blown
Bumping your favorite tunes in the summertime with the windows down can come at a cost. Speakers can blow out from the best audio systems over time. It depends on what you listen to and how loud you listen. Lots of bass-heavy electronic music and rap are...