How To
How to Accept Criticism
The funny thing about criticism is that, while it stings, it's actually a critical component of becoming truly good at something. Accepting criticism and turning it into something constructive is a skill. Not only will it help you improve your interaction...
A Quick Guide to Replacing Broken or Cracked CD Cases
If you have a CD case that’s cracked or broken, replacing the case is perfect for protecting your disk and is really easy to do on your own. Opening a CD case to remove the back cover’s album artwork doesn’t require any tools and only takes a few minutes....
How to Prevent Altitude Sickness
As you travel to higher altitudes, such as the areas around mountains, many changes are observed in the environment that can affect you. These include cold, low humidity, increased UV radiation from the sun, decreased air pressure, and reduced oxygen satu...
How to Clean Rubber Stamps
If you use rubber stamps, you need to clean the stamping surface any time you want to change colors or whenever you're finished using it. Luckily, we have the tips and tricks you need to get your stamp clean without damaging the handle or adhesive.
How to Use the Dewey Decimal System
For centuries, libraries have served an important role providing information for the public. However, for quite a while there was a major flaw in the library system: in a large collection, finding a specific book became difficult and tedious. To combat th...
How to Find Out If You’re Adopted
If you suspect you’re adopted and want to know for sure, begin by looking for common signs, such as not resembling your biological parents, or having no pictures of yourself as a newborn in family photo albums. If you spot these signs, consider asking you...
How to Prevent People from Tracking You on the Internet
When you browse the internet, it's possible that people and companies are tracking your every move. If you're concerned about keeping your personal information and data private, you likely want to prevent that tracking. Unfortunately, you may not be able...
How to Play a Tennis Tiebreaker
In tennis, there are games, sets and matches. To win a game, you must score four points and have a two point lead. To win a set, you must win six or more games and have a two game lead. To win the match, you must win the best of three sets or the best...
How to Make a Christmas Tree Pop up Card (Robert Sabuda Method)
One of the first things that herald in the Christmas season is greeting cards. You can easily make your own pop-up Christmas tree card to send to family members and friends. All you need to get started is some paper, a paperclip or pen, and a pair of scis...
How to Make Itching Powder
If you want to pull a prank someone, then try itching powder. You can make itching powder from dried roses or maple seedpods. You can also cut up hair into tiny pieces to create a very itchy substance.
How to Remove Mascara
Mascara can be tough to remove, especially if it has been designed to cling to your lashes through water, sweat, and tears. Luckily, it only takes the right product (you may even find it in your kitchen cupboard) and a few minutes of your time to clean yo...
How to Help Others: Thoughtful Ways to Make a Difference
Helping others is an important part of life; it gives you a sense of purpose and boosts your happiness while positively affecting the world around you. If you want to help others more but aren’t sure where to start, look no further. Whether you're caring...
How to Plant & Care for Sunflowers in Containers
Sunflowers are known for their gorgeous yellow flowers that stand tall and follow the sun. If you want to plant sunflowers but don’t have space in your garden, it’s super easy to grow them in pots. We’ll tell you how to choose your sunflower seeds, grow t...
How to Watch a Horror Movie
While horror movies can be scary to watch, the adrenaline rush can be fun and even exciting. Getting into the right mindset and preparing your environment beforehand can help you enjoy the movie more. And, if you're feeling scared, you can always take ste...
How to Do the Charleston
The Charleston is a medium- to fast-tempo dance that originated in the 20s. It was renowned for being the first social dance one could do without a partner. There are several versions of Charleston, the most popular being the 20s and 30s Charleston. The C...
How to Show off Your Curves
An hourglass shape with curves is considered by many people to be the ideal body type. But no matter what your body shape, from boy to athletic to curvy, any one can have an hourglass shape with curves. If you want to highlight or create curves, it’s impo...