The laborious task of securing migration certificates will be a thing of the past for students seeking admission in other states.
Even after students approach the Pareeksha Bhavan, often they may not get it in time. To put an end to the woes the General Education Department has mooted additional certificate with SSLC and and plus-two certificates from the coming academic year.
“Obtaining migration certificate is a tedious and expensive task for students living far away from the Pareeksha Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram. To save students and parents of the trouble we have proposed an additional certificate along with the SSLC and plus-two certificates. The proposal was taken at the monitoring committee meeting and it will be submitted to the government,” said Director of Public Instruction A Shajahan.
Another decision taken at the meeting is to make directorate-public interaction more friendly as part of the of the Right to Services Act Implementation. A massive campaign will be launched to conduct adalats for speedy settling of issues related to correction in certificates.
The SSLC certificate is the basic document to verify the date of birth. But many agencies, including foreign embassies demand certificates issued by the local body for visa.
Most often the date of birth in both may not tally as parents tend to change the date of birth while admitting their ward to schools. To settle these issues faster adalats will be held and gap between the public and Pareeksha Bhavan will be bridged, Shajahan said.
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