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“I had worked hard for Group I Prelims and prepared even harder for the mains. Now, after I downloaded my hall ticket and was all set to write the exams, scheduled to be held from September 3, they say I am disqualified. Is it fair?” asked P Nagathi.
She, along with her husband, visited the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commision (APPSC) office here on Tuesday to persuade the officials to allow them to write the final exam.
“When they first announced the results on June 13, the cut-off was 88. After qualifying, we started intense preparations for the mains. They released the answer key and it was found that there were mistakes in seven questions. Some candidates approached the tribunal, which then directed the APPSC to correct those mistakes. Subsequently, the results were revised and 1201 candidates were allowed to write the mains. The cut off mark was changed to 91 and APPSC disqualified 845 candidates,” Dastagiri of Kadapa and Radhika of Kurnool explained.
Pragathi, who was almost in tears, is yet to come to terms that she was disqualified. She has only one request.
“We are happy that 1201 candidates got selected. But why should we be disqualified at the same time? It is but a preliminary exam and there will be further filtering in the finals, where only merit will prevail. We request the APPSC to allow all the disqualified candidates to write the exam,” she pleaded.
Her husband felt that it was the only practical request they could make to the authorities, given the lack of time. Also, it was not very complicated.
“We only want those declared qualified previously to be allowed to write the finals. They published show cause notice on September 2 night on their website and a majority of the candidates would not be aware of it. Some of them might not even be able to respond in the stipulated seven days,” he said Sunita, another disqualified candidate, said that they strived hard and spent a lot of time and money on preparation, adding that it was not fair on the part of the authorities to disqualify them at the eleventh hour.
“Our hopes were raised and now they are being shattered. How can it be justified?” she asked. Gangadhar, husband of a candidate who had written the exam and secured 91 marks as per the final key, said that his wife was disqualified.
“I am here to seek clarification on my wife’s marks, which were incorrectly disclosed,” he said. He explained that when they compared her answers and the answers provided in key, they found that she had scored 91. But despite that, she was disqualified.
“They have asked me to produce a written request,” he lamented. Attempts to contact APPSC higher officials proved futile.
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