Being a hardcore Delhiite, there is an inherent desire in me to do a Bollywood film, says 'The Big Bang Theory' actor Kunal Nayyar
Being a hardcore Delhiite, there is an inherent desire in me to do a Bollywood film, says 'The Big Bang Theory' actor Kunal Nayyar
Nayyar has also produced cricket documentary 'Cricket World Cup 2011: Beyond All Boundaries', which is releasing in India this month.

New Delhi: Kunal Nayyar has found worldwide fame for playing a nerdy, awkward astrophysicist on hit American TV show 'The Big Bang Theory' but the actor from Delhi says his heart still lies in his homeland and he would love to do a Bollywood film soon.

The 33-year-old actor, who got married to former Miss India, Neha Kapur in the capital in 2011 and has his family here, already seems to have taken a step closer to doing a Hindi film after starring in Salman Khan-produced Canadian film 'Dr Cabbie'.

"Being an Indian, being a hardcore Delhiite, there is an inherent desire in me to do a movie in India, but I am waiting for a project that hits all the right spots," Nayyar told PTI.

However, the actor said first and foremost he loves being in front of the camera and acting and will always jump into any interesting project be it in US or India.

"Bollywood or Hollywood, if the material, the story, the character and the writing all appeal to me then I will jump in and take on a project. I am an actor, I love acting, whether it is in India, America or anywhere in the world, put a camera on and I will be standing by the ready," he said.

The actor has also produced cricket documentary 'Cricket World Cup 2011: Beyond All Boundaries', which is releasing in India this month.

When asked why he decided to attach himself with a documentary project as the genre is not very popular with the Indian audience, Nayyar said the very fact that it is based on cricket will attract viewers.

"Indian audiences are bound to love it. It is about cricket and it might be the best cricket movie I have ever seen. The 2011 World Cup of Cricket was a watershed moment in Indian cricket history. It is something most Indians want to cherish and relive. And this amazing documentary allows them to do just that," he said.

Nayyar was born in London and raised in New Delhi, where he did his schooling. He went to US for his higher studies and received a Master of Fine Arts in Acting.

After appearing in a few theatres projects and doing a guest role in 'NCIS', Nayyar auditioned for 'The Big Bang Theory' and landed the role of Dr Raj Koothrappali.

'The Big Bang Theory', which is currently in its eighth season catapulted the actor to success and he says he still cannot come to terms with the fact that he has become popular and recognised everywhere.

"It all feels so surreal. The show has reached the stratosphere and there is no stopping in sight. It's a strange feeling being recognised everywhere I go now, all over the world.

"The character has continually evolved and it is so much fun playing him and working with fellow actors who are at the top of the TV game. One is constantly challenged and the fans make it all very rewarding," Nayyar said.

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