Benazir Bhutto: The prodigal returns
Benazir Bhutto: The prodigal returns
Pakistan's former PM made an emotional return to her hometown in Sindh.

New Delhi: Several days after the bomb blasts that rocked Karachi and killed more than 140 people, Pakistan’s former PM Benazir Bhutto made an emotional return to her ancestral hometown in Sindh.

Hundreds of people gathered in the lanes of the impoverished neighbourhood of Larkana to catch a glimpse of Benazir, who travelled in a white SUV surrounded by security personnel bristling with AK-47 and M-16 rifles.

Benazir visited families of the Karachi blast victims, most of whom had made the journey from Larkana to welcome her back after her self-imposed eight-year-long exile.

''Today, I came to Larkana to see the families of martyrs. I promise we will not leave these families alone because their loved ones sacrificed their lives for the cause of democracy,'' Benazir told reporters.

Security remained tight when she went to visit her father, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s tomb in Gadhi Khuda Baksh to offer prayers. However, Benazir’s movements have been curtailed amid fears for her safety and no details of her movements have been given out.

Benazir said she was back in Pakistan to fight extremism and to give power to the people by ushering in democracy.

"We are seeking power for the people. We want free, fair and transparent elections. Where there is dictatorship, there is extremism," she told a press conference on Sunday, after her visit to her father's tomb.

The Oxford-educated two-time premier plans to lead the PPP in the upcoming general election. However, Benazir and President Musharraf have been unable to reach an understanding on the issue, with the ruling PML-Q party insisting that she is ineligible for a third term as prime minister, as per the constitution.

There is further speculation that Musharraf and Benazir may share power

after the Januaryelections, and the United States, concerned about rising militancy in nuclear-armed Pakistan, is believed to be quietly fostering a partnership.

(With inputs from Reuters and PTI)

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