London: The world could have a cure for four in five of all cancer cases in a decade, if scientists revolutionise the way they approach the deadly disease, a top scientist has said.
Dr James Watson, one of the men who discovered the structure of DNA, thinks scientists should focus on why they can't cure cancer.
"I think if we know why we are not able to cure it and if we can write down on paper ways by which we might overcome these things, then we have a chance", Daily Mail quoted him as saying.
Speaking at the Euroscience Open Forum in Dublin, the 1962 Nobel laureate in medicine, said he believed a cure lay in the development of new drugs.
If we could short-circuit processes, and test drugs on people who had terminal cancer, a cure could be found quickly, Ireland's RTE news quoted the scientist as saying.
The 84-year-old, who has written a scientific paper on cancer, accused cancer researchers of thinking too narrowly and of being afraid to take risks.
"People doing cancer research don t try to know everything, they don t seem to be willing to take chances. We think they must be really clever people no they re not but they are no worse than other people", he said.
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