New Delhi: CBI on Monday started a preliminary enquiry to probe the mysterious death of Madhya Pradesh Governor Ram Naresh Yadav's son Shailesh whose name had figured in the multi-crore rupee MPPEB scam, also known as Vyapam.
Shailesh, 50, was found dead under mysterious circumstances at his official residence in Lucknow on March 25, 2015.
Police had claimed the exact cause of the death could not be ascertained immediately.
Shailesh's name had cropped up in the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board or Vyapam scam for allegedly fixing the recruitment of 10 candidates as Grade III teachers.
Ram Naresh Yadav, a former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, was appointed Madhya Pradesh Governor by Congress in 2011.
Besides registering the preliminary enquiry in the late evening, CBI on Monday also registered six more FIRs into alleged corruption in the conduct of examinations and recruitment tests conducted by Vyapam.
Giving details about the FIRs, CBI spokesperson Kanchan Prasad said here that the first case has been registered against eight persons for alleged cheating by impersonation in Pre Medical Test, 2004 while the second FIR is against eleven persons for impersonating as candidates during PMT, 2005 and helping to secure admission in MBBS courses.
CBI registered the third case on allegations of cheating by personation in Constable Recruitment Examination, 2012 against seven persons, the agency spokesperson said.
The remaining three FIRs are related to Police Constable recruitment test in 2012.
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