CHENNAI: Over 15 candidates, who have moved the Madras High Court seeking revaluation of their answer scripts in the recently conducted Civil Judges (Junior Division) examination, were permitted by the court to approach the Registrar-General (RG) with representations. If there were valid grounds for revaluation, the same should be done, the court said.Disposing of a batch of writ petitions, a specially-constituted division bench on Monday said the petitioners could make a representation to the High Court RG, following which certified copies of the answer scripts will be provided to them. Later, they could make representations. If there was any valid ground for revaluation, the same will be carried out.In her writ petition, R Kiruthiga Devi submitted that she, belonging to Backward class community, enrolled herself as an advocate in March 2001. She was not selected for the viva voce because she secured only 31 marks in the Law Paper-1, which was four marks short of the minimum to qualify for the interview. She had written all the examinations well and was expecting higher marks in the subject. She had written the translation paper particularly well. Contrary to her expectations, she had been awarded only 37 marks in the paper. Still worse, in the Law Paper-I, she had obtained only 31 marks. She was confident of scoring good marks. She strongly believed that the mistake could have occurred while evaluating or totaling marks in the answer papers. She prayed the court for a direction for revaluation and re-totaling of the Law Paper-I and Translation Paper.
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