CMC deaths: Probe panel to submit report today
CMC deaths: Probe panel to submit report today
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsThe inquiry committee headed by Dr Gills George to probe into the deaths of three persons at the Cooperative Medical College Hospital, Kalamassery, will submit its report on Monday. Dr George said that a comprehensive investigation is possible only after getting statements from all the people connected with the incident. “The statements given by those people are too contradictory that it’s difficult to arrive at a conclusion. The committee could act only on the complaint registered by the relatives of the deceased which we are yet to get,” he said.Dr George also said that they have received  complaints seeking an investigation into the callousness of the authorities in executing the available facilities in the Medical ICU. “Firstly, they needed a probe on why the nine oxygen cylinders in the Medical ICU were not properly used. Secondly, there is the question as to why the staff did not make use of the two ventilator units if the supply of the centralised oxygen was cut off, and thirdly, they sought an explanation as to why the Ambu bag (a hand-held device used to provide positive pressure ventilation to a patient) was not used in an emergency situation,” he said.Dr George also said that they would require the assistance of technical advisors to come up with a comprehensive report.Rajesh, son of Jayachandran, one of the deceased, said that he has sent a written complaint to the Medical Superintendent.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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The inquiry committee headed by Dr Gills George to probe into the deaths of three persons at the Cooperative Medical College Hospital, Kalamassery, will submit its report on Monday. Dr George said that a comprehensive investigation is possible only after getting statements from all the people connected with the incident. “The statements given by those people are too contradictory that it’s difficult to arrive at a conclusion. The committee could act only on the complaint registered by the relatives of the deceased which we are yet to get,” he said.

Dr George also said that they have received  complaints seeking an investigation into the callousness of the authorities in executing the available facilities in the Medical ICU. “Firstly, they needed a probe on why the nine oxygen cylinders in the Medical ICU were not properly used. Secondly, there is the question as to why the staff did not make use of the two ventilator units if the supply of the centralised oxygen was cut off, and thirdly, they sought an explanation as to why the Ambu bag (a hand-held device used to provide positive pressure ventilation to a patient) was not used in an emergency situation,” he said.

Dr George also said that they would require the assistance of technical advisors to come up with a comprehensive report.

Rajesh, son of Jayachandran, one of the deceased, said that he has sent a written complaint to the Medical Superintendent.

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