Cruise, Holmes turn real life heroes
Cruise, Holmes turn real life heroes
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes stopped to lend a helping hand to victims of a car crash in Los Angeles recently.

Washington: Batman need not bother to come to the rescue when Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are around, for the couple manage to help out those in need pretty well, and that too without the use of any superpowers.

Cruise and Holmes were not ones to turn away from a person in need of saving, and came to a halt to lend a helping hand to victims of a car crash in Los Angeles recently.

The couple were reportedly on their way home from the LA airport when they spotted a pair of motorists who had met with an accident.

They then stopped to check whether the couple, driver Jon Henningsen and his wife, were not seriously injured, and even waited till the police and fire department arrived, reports E!Online.

Cruise's representative and a spokesperson for the police confirmed the incident.

However, while this car crash may be a first for Holmes, her fiance has a history of coming in aid of those in need.

In 1998, he not only came to the defence of a woman being mugged in London, but was also responsible for stopping thieves from robbing more than $150,000 in jewellery.

Before that in 1996, Cruise not only waited beside an aspiring actress, who became the victim of a hit-and-run, for the ambulance to arrive but also paid her $7,000 hospital bill.

1996 proved to be an eventful year for the Mission Impossible star, for he also made two other rescues.

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