KOCHI: An increased funding on research will help in bringing down medical costs and also, in reversing brain drain, said Dr Cherian, India’s veteran cardiologist who performed the first coronary artery bypass surgery in India. The cardiologist is now all set to start an ultra modern ‘Medical Science Park’ with the best minds in the country. Speaking to the ‘City Express’ during a recent visit to the city, the cardiologist spoke about the need for such an establishment, promotion of medical research and making the best use of the talent in the country.“We are at a time when we are talking about India being a health tourism destination. But how will that be possible if we have to buy technology and equipment from other countries at high costs? The medical institutions will have to take a lead in developing the technology themselves,” said the cardiologist. The problem does not stop at high medical costs, he says. “When it comes to healthcare, there are many region-specific issues to be dealt with. Dependency on western countries means that the country may not have the right medicines and technology for health issues that are specific to our region. It is to fill this gap that we have to promote indigenous technology,” Dr Cherian said.The Medical Science Park, which is now at its final stages, is aimed at filling this gap, the doctor said. “If we develop indigenous products, we can cut the cost at different levels. We will also be able to commercialise the products by selling it to our neighbouring states and other countries like Africa at much lower costs,” the doctor said.Some of the areas which the Medical Science Park hopes to specialise are tissue engineering, nanotechnology and stem cells.
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