Extra kilos make women have sex in the dark
Extra kilos make women have sex in the dark
So it’s not coyness that makes women switch off lights before sex.

Melbourne: It’s not coyness that makes women switch off lights before sex, but it’s the extra kilos that put them off from being too enthusiastic about bedroom activities, reveals a new survey.

A new online survey by weight loss firm Jenny Craig on 800 women, indicated that women having a poor body image are the ones who are less interested in sex.

And sixty per cent of these women have said that they prefer to have sex in the dark because of poor body image.

Also, the poll highlighted that 73 per cent confessed that they were "embarrassed to be seen or touched" due to their weight.

"It's not only the aesthetic involved. Overweight people are more prone to type two diabetes which is a sex inhibitor," The Sydney Morning Herald quoted Jenny Craig managing director Amy Smith, as saying in a statement.

Smith also said that mostly a lack of exercise resulted into a lack of energy in general, as well as in the bedroom.

"Furthermore, 69 per cent of those surveyed said their excess weight makes them disinterested in sex altogether," she said.

However, Smith insisted that it is possible for women to improve their sex lives by turning to more nutritious foods, controlling their cholesterol and blood sugar intake and doing more exercise.

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