Father promises teen daughter $200 to quit Facebook for 5 months
Father promises teen daughter $200 to quit Facebook for 5 months
While some consider it to be a good idea to begin with, there are some who believe that there may be a way to flout that.

New Delhi: A father-daughter duo have signed a Facebook Deactivation Agreement, as per which the latter (the teenage daughter) would have to stay completely off the social network for a period of five months. The catch? She'd be paid $200 upon successful completion.

Paul Baier, VP Sustainability Consulting and Research at Groom Energy Solutions, shared on his blog Practical Sustainability, a photo of the agreement with his 14-year old daughter, wherein she (his daughter) has stated clearly that her Facebook account would be suspended from 2. 4. 2013 to 6 .26. 2013 (5 months). In return, her dad (Paul Baier) would pay her $50 in April and $150 in June, if she is successful. The agreement goes on to state that Paul Baier will have access to her Facebook account to change the password and to deactivate the account. This is to prevent her from reactivating her account in the future.

Interestingly, Baier, has revealed in his blog that the idea was his daughter's and he supports it fully. On his post, Baier has earned a mixed bag of reactions from people the world over. While some consider it to be a good idea to begin with, there are some who believe that there may be a way to flout that.

All in all, the teen will earn herself a five-month break from the social networking hustle-bustle. We're living in a particularly different time, wherein while we have technology making our lives simpler, our relationships are fast turning as virtual as they are real, or may be more. The perils of excessive dependence on social networking aren't unheard of.

To read more visit: www.tech2.com

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