Film on Kashmir to be released online
Film on Kashmir to be released online
Oscar-nominated director Ashvin Kumar will release his latest film 'Inshallah, Kashmir: Living Terror' online.

New Delhi: Oscar-nominated director Ashvin Kumar will release his latest film 'Inshallah, Kashmir: Living Terror' online tomorrow free of charge, after two of his earlier movies courted controversy and failed to get the

censor board and court nod.

According to Kumar, 'Inshallah, Kashmir: Living Terror' is a documentary in which Kashmiris 'recount how their freedom is conceded and replaced by fear and institutionalized oppression'. A trailer of the film has been posted on YouTube.

"The film contains shocking, heart-wrenching stories of the effects of brutality and terror by Indian armed forces and militants alike. Its prequel 'Inshallah, Football' was banned by the Censor Board. Another film of mine 'Dazed In Doon' (based on life in Doon School) - was forbidden for screening, exhibition or distribution by a Dehradun court. So I have decided to bypass the censor board and release my film online for a day tomorrow," Kumar told PTI.

He says he has not approached the censor board for his latest movie, which was culled from the footage filmed while researching and making 'Inshallah, Football'.

"My aim is to make the film into a case study on censorship in India. If the board okays it, it's fantastic. Else, we will put it online and seek viewers' opinion on the film. Last option is DVDs, which is the case with 'Inshallah,

Football', and, of course, the Internet," says Kumar, who was nominated for an Oscar in the live action short films category for his film 'Little Terrorist' in 2005.

One does not need the censor board's approval for releasing films online in India.


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