Gaddafi’s son: US supporting the wrong side
Gaddafi’s son: US supporting the wrong side
The whole country is united against the armed militia and the terrorists.

Washington: Expressing surprise at President Barack Obama backing attacks on Libya, Saif-al Islam Gaddafi, the son of embattled leader Muammar Gadhafi, blamed the US and its allies for supporting the terrorists and the armed militia in his countr, on Sunday.

"Yesterday, we were surprised that the Americans and the British and the French attacked Libya, attacked five cities, terrorised people, children, women were so afraid yesterday. So it was a big surprise that, finally, President Obama, we thought he's a good man and friend of Arab world, is bombing Libya," Saif, the second son of the Libyan leader, told ABC in an interview.

The forces loyal to the Libyan leader went to Benghazi to liberate the city from the whom he claimed are "gangsters and the armed militia", he said.

"So if the Americans want to help the Libyan people in Benghazi, so go to Benghazi and liberate Benghazi from the militia and the terrorists. So do it," he said.

Claiming that the entire country is united against the international forces, he said that his father won't resign, as being demanded by the US-led international


"The whole country is united against the armed militia and the terrorists. The Americans and other Western countries, are supporting the terrorists and the armed militia. That's it," he said.

"Believe me, one day, you wake up and you will find out that you were supporting the wrong people. And you are being a big mistake with supporting those people. It's like the WMD in Iraq. It's another story," Gaddafi said in response to a question.

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