North America
83 per cent
US President Barack Obama, who was the first world leader to get on Twitter in March 2007, is also the most popular politician on the micro-blogging site with more than 17 million followers. But he ranks fifth on the overall list, right after Britney Spears.
South America
75 per cent
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is the second-most followed politician on Twitter with over three million followers. Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico's President-elect, was the second world leader after Obama to log on to Twitter.
60 per cent
The PM of Uganda, Amama Mbabazi, is the most conversational world leader on Twitter with 96per cent of his tweets being @replies to questions from his followers. Rwandan President Paul Kagame is also an avid user, frequently chatting with his followers on the site.
56 per cent
China and Indonesia are among the Asian countries that do not have their heads of state or government on Twitter. Indian PM Manmohan Singh, who is the latest G20 leader to join the site in January 2012, has a little over one million followers. Malaysian PM Najib Razak had invited his 500,000th follower for breakfast.
75 per cent
Germany and Italy are the only two G8 countries in Europe where neither the head of state nor the government is on Twitter. @BarackObama has established mutual Twitter relations with only the PMs of Norway and Russia, Jens Stoltenberg and Dmitry Medvedev, respectively. Vatican City’s social media project @Pope2YouVatican, set up to accompany the beatification of Pope John Paul II, has had over 27,000 followers.
29 per cent
Only 4 of the 14 countries in Oceania are on Twitter. With 10 mutual connections with world politicians, Australian Prime Minister @JuliaGillard is the second-most connected leader after EU president Herman van Rompuy (11 connections).
"Twiplomacy" is a study of the use of Twitter by world leaders conducted by global public relations and communications firm Burson-Marsteller.
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