The Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) has announced its 2012-13 Programme for Working Professionals in Urban Development (PWP-UD). The third batch of the programme is the country’s first inter-disciplinary, practice-based, full-time, certificate course. The course will be conducted at IIHS’ new Bangalore city campus.
The PWP-UD 2012-13 will run from October, 2012 to June, 2013. Aimed at early and mid-career professionals from any disciplinary background with interest in South Asian urban development and who wish to participate in the tremendous urban transformation, the PWP-UD begins with a foundation term that introduces key concepts, tools, trends and debates on urban development.
It will be followed by two specialised concentration tracks of high transformational potential and career opportunity on economic development, land, and housing and infrastructure services and urban sustainability. The PWP-UD also offers a series of skill labs and practicals, to enable participants to acquire skills, tools and methods vital to urban practice.
Students will also get an opportunity to conduct personalised research and practise through a six-week faculty-guided individual project, and a faculty curated three-week-long set of exposure visits to the diverse and challenging reality of national and international urban contexts.
All applicants must have a bachelor’s degree with at least three years of work experience or a master’s degree with at least two years of work experience, or a PhD or should be a doctoral candidate with research and teaching experience directly relevant or applicable to urban issues.
Scholarships will be available on the basis of demonstrated need. Non-profit and civil society organisations are open to contact IIHS for sponsorships. The deadline for admissions is September 14. More details can be had from www.iihs.co.in/pwp-ud.
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