Metaphorically ‘sharing the vision’ might be an inclusive perception. For beneficiaries of corneal transplantation it is a gesture by the donor. A suggestion made by APJ Abdul Kalam sparked off a debate among the doctors and NGOs in the city over revealing the identity of the corneal donor and recipient. One one side, where the former president thinks it’s a good idea to let the organ donors and the recipients know each other and their families, on the other doctors believe that when it comes to organ transplant, it is best when the identity of donors and recipients are best kept under cover and unknown to each other
The former president had said at the 9th General Assembly of International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness on Monday that, “As per existing law, the donor family is not supposed to know to whom cornea has been donated and the recipient and the recipient’s family is not supposed to know whose cornea, he or she received. I would like IAPB members and national authorities present here, to discuss and evolve a donor family friendly, recipient friendly and hospital friendly law which will bring happiness to all and motivate many families to come forward and donate."
Expressing his opinion, Dr Virender Sangwan, an opthalmologist at the LV Prasad Eye Institute said that the details of the donor or his/her family are usually not revealed. “It is a convention in our medical practice. It’s usually a good idea to not disclose the details of the recipient or the donor,” he said. He explained that these details are hidden considering religious grounds, economic status and property rights. “There is definitely a flip side, where things might turn positive, but I think it is not worth the risk.” he opined.
Dr Sangwan then added, “Bringing about a slight modification in the Human Organ Transplant Act is a good idea because the law is two decades old. Though there have been regular changes in the law in line with the technological advancements, there is a need to enhance it. Specially after the emergence of therapy which is not yet included in the act.”
While, Dr G N Rao, Chairman of LV Prasad Eye Institute, who said, “Such a change has to be carefully considered. In Hyderabad we have proven that there are active cornea transplants when the details are hidden. We don’t have to change too many laws. Suggestions given by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam have to be considered and a relatively convenient law has to be framed.” He then added, “Whenever there is a death in the hospital, families are requested to donate organs of the person. And, when it comes to corneal transplantation, which we expertise in, I believe that all hospitals in the country should have a comprehensive approach. We do not need hundreds of eye banks. We need about 40 community eye banks, each of it processing about 10000 corneas, which should function on a first-come-first-serve-basis to retain transparency.”
Even NGOs focusing on organ transplant agree with the doctors. Lalitha Raghuram, country director of Mohan Foundation, Hyderabad chapter said. “We agree that details of the organ donor and the recipient should be kept secret as the whole concept of organ donation will become commercial, which is against the law. We counsel our volunteers to make it a live-saving gesture.”
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