Jamie Foxx to play Frank Sinatra in biopic
Jamie Foxx to play Frank Sinatra in biopic
African- American actor Foxx to act as late singing legend Frank Sinatra.

Los Angeles: Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx has been chosen to play the role of Frank Sinatra in a biopic being made on the late singing legend who died 11 years ago.

Earlier George Clooney, Leonardo Di Caprio, Harry Connick Jr and Justin Timberlake were in contention for the role. But the African-American actor was finalised to play Sinatra.

The biopic is to be directed by Martin Scorsese.

"Jamie would seem to be born to the role. Magnificent voice, convincing acting ability - like Frank himself - born the wrong side of the tracks, makes it big against the odds, has his brushes with authority. The guy's a gift," an industry insider was quoted as saying.

Sinatra had won 11 Grammy Awards in his career.

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