Liquor unit gets schoolkids in low spirits
Liquor unit gets schoolkids in low spirits
Students of a primary school are under severe stress, as a next-door liquor brewing unit is making life very difficult for them.

Patna: Schools are meant to be centres of education but children of a primary school in Patna are studying in hostile conditions. This is because the school is surrounded by a liquor-brewing unit.

The school has a strength of 90-odd students and has complained several times but their pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

The locality is dominated by the Musahar community, which is into liquor production and sale.

"I have been complaining for a long time now but nobody has come to our help," a teacher Uma Devi said.

The school campus stinks of liquor, which makes it difficult for the children to study. And alcoholics loiter around the locality and often abuse the children.

"The drunkards speak to us in foul language, the moment we leave the school premises," a child said. While another child said, "It is a big problem for us, as they drink all day and then abuse us."

As the locals of the area run the business, nobody dares to challenge their might, not even the police.

"I have seen many policemen come here and drink. How many doors can we go and knock on?" another teacher Sutapa Rai said.

Not just students, residents of the area are also unhappy with the unit but the Musahar say that the business is the only source of their income.

"What can I do?" an alcoholic Dev Raj said and passed out.

Immediate action needs to be taken, as the psychological stress on the students and residents in the area is relentless.

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