Microsoft releases patch to fix IE flaw
Microsoft releases patch to fix IE flaw
Microsoft Corporation released three critical patches for its Windows operating system, including one to fix an Internet Explorer browser flaw.

Redmond: Microsoft Corporation released three critical patches for its Windows operating system, including one to fix an Internet Explorer browser flaw that had already been exploited in some Internet attacks.

The critical patches - deemed by Microsoft to address the highest threats - fix flaws that could allow an attacker to take control of another person's computer without permission.

The software maker also released two patches to fix less-severe flaws in its products on Tuesday.

Microsoft said on March 23 that it was aware that a flaw in its Internet Explorer had been made public, prompting some limited attacks.

Building a patch can be complex as Microsoft must make sure that fixing onating system does not break anust rigorously test the patch so other applications won't stop working, something that could cripple businesses and frustrate home


But some outside security experts argue that Microsoft should be doing more to help users, such as providing temporary bandages, while it prepares fixes for vulnerabilities that are made public before a patch can be issued.

At least one company, eEye Digital Security Inc of Aliso Viejo, California, provided users with such a temporary fix for the Internet Explorer flaw.

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