New Delhi: The Election Commision on Wednesday laid stress on strengthening election expenditure monitoring mechanism and asked polls officials to focus on training of its officials in this regard.
On the concluding day of the two-day conference of chief electoral officials (CEOs), top EC officials asked the CEOs of states to tighten the election monitoring mechanism and train their officials for ensuring this.
The top poll officials were asked to further ensure that candidates contesting elections spent only that much money which is prescribed by the Commission, senior poll officials said.
Stress was also laid on the storage of electronic voting machines in order to ensure that EVMs used after polls as well as those remaining unused are stored properly to ensure their effective functioning.
The CEOs also discussed way and means to increase voters' participation in elections and remove any error in electoral rolls, the officials said.
35 CEOS of states attended the two-day conference which was addressed among others by Chief Election Commissioner SY Quraishi and election commisioners VS Sampath and HS Brahma.
CEOs of those states which went to polls recently and other five states that will go to polls early next year will share their experiences and lessons learnt at a special session on Thursday.
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