Movie on stockmarket ready to roll
Movie on stockmarket ready to roll
Described as a bloodbath, the downslide in the markets is spelling good business for Sameer Hanchate.

Mumbai: Twenty-nine-year-old Sameer Hanchate has been closely following the movements of the stock market. As Dalal Street becomes Halal Street, he doesn't have investments to take care of. Yet the crash could change his fortunes.

The timing could not have been better as Sameer's debut film Ghafla - is based on the dealings of stock market.

"Now that the crash has happened, I am definitely hoping that people will come forward and see the film more than ever. I am also hoping that the crash doesn't happen any further," says Sameer Hanchate.

Ghafla , as the name suggests, deals with stock market scams and how they change the fortunes of the people involved.

The story is loosely inspired from Harshad Mehta and Ketan Parekh's cases. Made on a shoe-string budget, the film has mostly unknown faces.

But Sameer hopes to cash in on the bad days at the market and he hopes his film will at least educate some people.

The markets are strong and potent but we need to slow down a little bit because the pace of investment as of now, what it looks like is not directly proportional to development of the country patch.

Though Sameer's film says that the biggest risk in life is not to take one, he clearly seems to be taking the risk by producing the movie himself after knocking at many producer's doorsteps.

"At the end of it all, the moral of the story and the intention of the story is simple: investments are subject to market risk. Read the offer document carefully before investing," says Sameer.

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