Much ado over Randeep-Sush smooch
Much ado over Randeep-Sush smooch
Movie posters featuring a smooch between ex-lovers Randeep Hooda and Sushmita have angered the actor.

Mumbai: The publicity pictures of him kissing Sushmita Sen in the film Karma, Confessions And Holi smack of the producer's desperation, says actor Randeep Hooda.

"I'm disgusted by the producers. Surely they've got more to attract the public to the theatres than a kiss between two actors? By flashing one scene, they're just being cheap and undignified in their promotion. May be they need a less cheesy publicity machinery," Randeep said.

The last time a smooch scene featuring Sushmita was splashed about, she had blown her top. "And she should protest against this tacky publicity again. It's not right," said her ex-beau.

Randeep isn't aware of the film's release plans. "No one has informed me. The kissing scenes are part of the film. And I'm not in the least embarrassed about kissing such a gorgeous woman on screen."

But considering the past relationship between the two was there any awkwardness about doing such scenes?

"We're both professionals. And we were just doing our job. I'm looking forward to the film and to seeing how we look together on screen. It was a great experience working with her because of our association off-screen. It was very funny maintaining a balance between the rapport on and off screen," he said.

However, Randeep said real-life rapport made no difference to what happened on screen.

"Once the camera rolls, the relationship in the script takes over. Of course, there are bits of the actor floating on screen. But I go by the guidelines provided by the script and director," he said.

Randeep said boundaries in cinema have disappeared. "But let me point out, Karma, Confessions And Holi isn't a Hollywood film. It's an independent film made by Rapture Films. According to me, Hollywood films are those made by the studios in Los Angeles."

"This independent film gave me a chance to feel very independent. It took very little time to be shot. Having a slice of the Big Apple was a great experience. In essence, Mumbai and New York are very similar. I hired a limousine and travelled all over. I visited every possible watering hole. I loved the freedom and passion in New York," he said.

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