Mumbai cop gets 15 yrs jail for rape
Mumbai cop gets 15 yrs jail for rape
Head constable Chandrakant Pawar, held for raping a minor girl was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.

Mumbai: Head constable Chandrakant Pawar, who was held guilty of raping a minor girl on October 17 last year by a local court, was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment on Thursday.

Additional Sessions Judge K U Chandiwal convicted him on charges of kidnapping & causing minor injuries and fined him Rs 52,700.

Pawar had been arrested on the charge of raping a 15-year-old rag-picker in the vicinity of the Sahar police station.

A few locals, including auto drivers, caught him while he was committing the crime and handed him over to the police, who registered a case and arrested him.

Pawar was later suspended from the service.

Police had filed a chargesheet against Pawar in December last year and his trial lasted six months.

The trial in the case was conducted on a day-to-day basis and a total of twelve witnesses, including the investigating officer, the victim and her sister, were examined.

Incidentally, in the infamous Marine Drive rape case, the same judge had sentenced former constable Sunil More to twelve years rigorous imprisonment.

The sentence was announced on April 3 this year. More was found guilty of raping a teenaged girl inside the Marine Drive police outpost.

The sentence was delivered in less than a year of the incident, which took place on April 22 last year.

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