Warsaw: Miss India World Natasha Suri is one of the top three favourites at the Miss World 2006 event.
But when it comes to beauty pageants, Venezuela is often the first country to come to mind, with a rather impressive representation year after year.
Miss World 2006 is no different. The betting odds for Miss World competition this year have Miss Venezuela leading the pack with odds one to six, followed by Miss India, Miss Australia and Miss Czech Republic 15 to two.
But one has to feel for the likes of Miss Tanzania, Miss Tahiti, Miss Mongolia, Miss Ghana and Miss St Lucia - all with the worst odds.
Both Miss England and Miss USA are not in an enviable position either. Ever since Hugo Chavez has become the president in 1999, no Venezuelan beauty has been crowned Miss World.
Punters are waiting if this contest is going to be a windfall for Chavez or not.
India is also a heavy producer of Miss World winners, prevailing three times in the last decade, the latest victory coming when Priyanka Chopra reigned in 2000.
Heavy betting is made in Poland these days and there is a big race between Miss Venezeula and Miss India. However, Miss Australia may upset the result.
Bollywood director and producer Karan Johar is going to be one of the judges for the contest.
####IBNLive Special: Miss World 2006
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