New Delhi: Social media is the playground of hoaxes and many of these just refuse to fade away. The 'cosmo rays from Mars' rumour (and also its rebuttal) has been doing the rounds for long and has again reappeared with renewed gusto on our timelines.
The hoax message with information attributed to NASA and BBC says, "Tonight 12:30 am to 3:30 am cosmo rays entering Earth form Mars. So switch off your mobile at night." The fact is that, as many less gullible users have pointed out, that Mars doesn't emit the said rays and neither NASA has issued any such advice nor the BBC has reported the story.
One easy way to establish the veracity of such reports circulating in the social media is to see if there is a link to a reputed website attached. Many users when circulating a story also prefer to add the link to the website they found it on, for added information and credibility. If the news sounds big but the news media isn't reporting it, chances are, it is another of those hoaxes circulating.
Relax. Keep your phone on. There could be an important call coming.
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