New Delhi: Finding it difficult to surrender the extra cooking gas LPG cylinder you have? Help is now just a click away. Consumers owning more than one LPG connection can now surrender the extra one online. All that they have to do is log-on to their respective company site and fill in surrender details and forget the rest.
After that it will be the responsibility of the LPG dealer to chase the consumer and get the surrender formalities completed. "We have been receiving complaints of harassment faced by consumers at the hands of LPG dealers. It is near impossible to monitor and punish each and every LPG distributor in the country. So, we are now putting in place systems that will empower the consumers," a senior Oil Ministry official said.
The official said oil firms are implementing the policy of 'one household, one connection' and have asked consumers to voluntarily give up additional connections.
Multiple LPG connections in the 'same name and at the same address' as well as 'husband and wife' owning connections at the same address would be summarily disconnected. In case of multiple connections at same address under different names, consumers have been asked to fill Know-Your Customer (KYC) forms to establish verify genuine users.
Indian Oil Corp, the nation's largest fuel retailer, has blocked 10.2 lakh LPG connections and last week it received applications from 30,000 consumers to voluntarily surrender the extra connection, he said. It has identified another 1.49 crore households were multiple connections have been taken at the same addresses under different names.
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