Pardon to accused challenged
Pardon to  accused challenged
HYDERABAD: Challenging orders granting pardon to T Sunil Reddy, an accused in a forgery case, senior IPS officer Umesh Kumar filed..

HYDERABAD: Challenging orders granting pardon to T Sunil Reddy, an accused in a forgery case, senior IPS officer Umesh Kumar filed a writ petition in the High Court on Saturday. Sripada Prabhakar, counsel for Umesh Kumar, told Express they filed a writ petition challenging the orders in pardoning the main accused Sunil Reddy in a case without completion of investigation. The AP High Court issued a notice to the director-general of police V Dinesh Reddy and Sunil Reddy to appear before the court for further hearing on December 13 in connection with the case. T Sunil Reddy was given pardon considering his mercy petition after the CID filed a charge sheet on November 14.

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