PM's vital parameters fine, to be in AIIMS for a week
PM's vital parameters fine, to be in AIIMS for a week
Doctors monitoring Singh's health are happy with milestones met.

New Delhi: It is not just Dr Ramakant Panda, the specialist in 're-do by-pass' surgery who is giving excellent on the PM's health report card.

Union Health Minister Ramadoss and a PMO statement said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had an "uneventful night" following his surgery at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences here.

"Doctors attending on the Prime Minister say that he is stable, comfortable and is making rapid progress," it said.

"The surgery went very well and it was uneventful. All his vital parameters are normal and he is on his way to a speedy recovery. He will be in the All India Institute for a little over a week and it will take a month's time for him to recuperate fully.He is now stable and we are happy that the surgery went off very successfully," said Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss.

Dr Ramakant Panda's 11-member team from the Asian Heart Institute (AHI) Mumbai, had on Saturday performed the over 11-hour-long operation on the Prime Minister.

The team however also included three more doctors and several support staff.

The Prime Minister is making rapid progress and is expected to be in the ICU for three days and spend about seven to eight days in the hospital.

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