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The policy of the State government granting conferred IAS status only to officers serving in revenue department has been assailed before the TN Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal. Tribunal judicial member Venkateshwar Rao and administrative member Satpathy, before whom the application from about 30 candidates belonging to other departments, came up for hearing, ordered notices to the Centre, recently.
On behalf of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), its standing counsel P Chandrasekaran had taken notice.According to petitioner, as per the Indian Administrative Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955, the total authorisedstrength of the IAS officers in Tamil Nadu was 355, of which 247 should be filled through direct recruitment. The remaining 108 were to be filled up through promotion from members of the State cadre officers. There were about 750 officers in the revenue department, while there were 400 in cooperative, 350 in commercial tax, 500 in rural development, 400 in registration and 350 in employment service departments.
Petitioners contended that though the revenue department accounted for only about 30 per cent of the 2,0-00-odd State cadre officers, they alone were conferred the IAS status. “The present method ofconsidering the State cadre officers only from the revenue for promotion and conferring upon them IAS status is an unjust benefit which otherwise they are not entitled to as per the Rules and Regulations. It defies the logic,” petitioners contended.
The public department had been hitherto promoting only State cadre service officers from the revenue department, leaving other State cadre officers in other departments in the lurch. “The mode of recruitment, qualifications and scale of pay of the State cadre officers in all departments in public department is common. Theyconstitute same cadre. The exercise of power and discharge of the duties and responsibilities as conferred on them under respective statutes are also same. However, posting to various departments is purely based on availability and communal rotation. It is not on any other criteria and merits. Therefore, the department cannot confer any exclusivity to officers in the revenue department alone,” petitioners said.
Taking exception to the recent promotion of some revenue department officials to IAS cadre, the applications wanted the order dated Feb 16 to be quashed, and a new panel comprising eligible officers from all departments to be prepared. They also wa-nted the CAT to declare the deputy registrar in the registrar of cooperative societies in the cooperative department and the commercial tax officer in the relevant department too to be brought under State Civil Services (SCS) as defined in Rule 2 (g) (ii)of IAS (Recruitment) Rules, 1954 and Rule 2 (j) ( ii) of IAS (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955.
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