Rs 10 lakh collected as dues from OU hostellers
Rs 10 lakh collected as dues from OU hostellers
Over-populated hostels and non-payment of dues create a huge deficit in the university fund

Over Rs 10 lakh in dues was collected from the hostel inmates at the Osmania University’s hostel blocks, allotted to the Arts College. The hostel crisis at the University was finally dealt with, and for once it was the students who had to bow before the authorities and cough up the hostel dues for the previous year.

This delay in paying the dues by the hostel boarders has taken a very heavy toll on the funds of the university. And owing to the recent political pressure in the city, many students residing in the hostels never paid the hostel charges. "Only `two lakh of the total Rs 20 lakh was being received annually," a university official informed. Adding to the problem, the ‘over-populated’ hostels  have been increasing the expenditure on the existing fund. “On paper we house 5000 students, but 10000 is the actual number,” said D Manjilal, assistant registar of the hostel staff. The presence of non-boarders is another menace for the university, as the hostels are over-burdened by them, as more than half of the people in the hostels are staying illegally, he added.

Principal of the University College of Arts and Social Sciences, Prof. Mallesham sent notices to the students to at least pay half the dues of last year, as the college is facing a severe financial constraint. Explaining further, the principal said, “This has been going on for years now and so, I had to explain to them about the consequences of the non-payment of dues, on the college.” 

The A, C, NRS and old PG hostels have been allotted to Arts college students, which hosts over 900 students. Every student has to spend roughly Rs 15000 every year, as part of their hostel accomodation and  food, and many even claim for concessions under minority status. “After concession each student has to pay just half the amount, which comes up to Rs 8000. This time I had to ask all of them to pay half of that, to which they finally agreed,” Mallesham further explained.

Although there were protests from the hostelers initially, the principal managed to convince them. “I had to explain to them that non-payment of dues will lead to problems, such as lack of proper food and other services.”

While Prof. Chinnappa, chief warden of the hostels went on a step ahead. “As the problem has escalated over the last few years, we have printed out a handbook or a guide just last week that explains, strict action that will be taken for violation of rules,” the warden said.

“This is definitely a welcome move as they have promised to improve the hostel and mess facilities. So we are ready to pay all the existing dues,” said M Bhaskar, a P.hd student. His friend, M Krishank, from the journalism department also accepted that it was good to see the authorities take some action, as students wanted the hostels to be better maintained.

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