UNSC resolution threatens Iran
UNSC resolution threatens Iran
Either Iran suspend nuclear enrichment programme or face "further measures" - resolve UK and France.

United Nations: Britain and France have moved a resolution in the UN Security Council demanding that Iran suspend nuclear enrichment or face the threat of unspecified "further measures," setting the stage for a possible confrontation with Russia and China who are opposed to the draft language.

The resolution, backed by the US, threatens Iran with unspecified further measures as may be necessary to ensure compliance -- a language that could be used to impose sanctions or even take military action at a later stage.

Russia and China had a lot of difficulty with the tough language in view of its implications, diplomats said. But they were not sure how far Moscow, which supplies arms to Iran, and Beijing would go if the Western power press the resolution as they are threatening.

Western diplomats say they would like the resolution to be adopted before next Monday's meeting of their foreign ministers in New York.

The Western powers have the requisite nine votes to get the resolution through the 15-member Council and Moscow and Beijing would have to use veto to block it if no common ground is found, diplomats say.

China's UN Ambassador Wang Guangya used somewhat ambiguous language, saying the draft would not produce good results.

But he also said his country objected to the resolution branding the Iranian nuclear programme as a threat to peace and security -- a language that was necessary for invoking mandatory provision of Chapter Seven of the Charter.

China's UN Ambassador Wang Guangya used somewhat ambiguous language, saying the draft would not produce good results. But he also said his country objected to the resolution branding the Iranian nuclear programme as a threat to peace and security - a language that was necessary for invoking mandatory provision of Chapter Seven of the Charter.

The resolution calls for the UN nuclear watchdog -- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - to report on the compliance but does not give any timeframe. However, Western diplomats say they expect the report to be available by early June.

The draft also demands that Iran stop construction of a heavy water reactor. It would also mandate that all states to exercise vigilance and prevent transfer of technology and goods which can help Iran in its nuclear programme.

Iran is constructing a heavy water reactor at Arak, about 200 km form Tehran which could produce weapon grade uranium.

Tehran has maintained that it has no intention of producing nuclear weapons and the aim of its uranium enrichment programme is to produce fuel for its civilian nuclear power reactors.

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