CHENNAI: Successgyan, an associate of success resources, is organising Blair Singer’s Sales and Leadership workshop in Chennai, the first one in India. The main aim of this workshop is to teach people how to maximise sales and income despite the economic downturn. Blair Singer is an international speaker, author, consultant, sales trainer, founder and CEO of SalesPartners Worldwide, founder of the ‘Little Voice’ Mastery Institute and a Rich Dad Advisor. He’s led thousands of business owners and Fortune 500 company leaders to maximise their potential and grow their bottom lines. Blair has 25 years of experience working with the most powerful mentors, coaches and personal development gurus in the world.The training method of the workshop in the city is not just about power point presentations and one-way lectures, but will be interactive and practical. Blair will personally coach the participants on critical sales, leadership skills and overcoming your own ‘little voice’ that is nothing but the voice that stops you from pursuing your goals and dreams with self-doubtng and self-critical thoughts. The event aims to renew self-confidence and build a positive attitude that gives you the courage and perseverance to pursue and achieve your goals and dreams.To attend this workshop on May 13 at Hotel Hyatt, Teynampet the participation fee is `14,500. For further information and booking, call 9840999427.
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