THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Vakkom Abdul Khadar Moulavis contributions to Malayalam literature are immense, Shashi Tharoor MP has said. I..
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Vakkom Abdul Khadar Moulavi’s contributions to Malayalam literature are immense, Shashi Tharoor MP has said. Inaugurating the year-long birth centenary celebrations of Vakkom Moulavi here on Sunday, Tharoor said that his contributions were equal to that of Kesari Balakrishna Pillai. Tharoor remembered the contributions of Moulavi during his tenure with the State Institute of Languages and Sahitya Akademi. Veteran journalist B R P Bhaskar delivered the memorial lecture. ‘’Vakkom Moulavi introduced world literature to a generation that came after the renaissance era,’’ he said. Dr N A Kareem, Dr M R Thaman, Kayamkulam Yunus, Muthana Thaha and A Suhair spoke at the function.
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