CHENNAI:Right now, the free will that all of us are exercising is only about two or three per cent because our thoughts, feelings and choices are subtly dictated by our karma.With this background, let us look at a totally different dimension of time and space. Today, all of us think we are exercising our free will and can choose what we want to do in our lives. However, there are four vital arenas in our lives where we cannot exercise any choice or control. We cannot choose the time, place or circumstances of our birth. We cannot choose our parents. We cannot choose our children. We cannot choose the time, place or mode of our death. We have no control over these factors because they are dictated by our fate and destiny. Many of us think we are choosers forever! But what is the actual percentage of free will in our lives? The karmic seeds inside us are giving us thoughts, feelings, ideas and ‘choices’ that we are generating. So most of the time, even when we think we are using our free will to make a choice, we are only enacting our own karma without being aware of it. As we experience this karmic cycle, we generate fresh thoughts and feelings which produce new karmic reactions that will again curtail our free will. If we want to change everything and enlarge the scope of our free will, we must transform our thinking patterns completely by disciplining the mind. To do this, we have to use our will power. Our soul has many divine powers which are activated when we meditate. The most prominent amongst these are the power of will, the power of understanding or comprehension and the power of action. Our power of will gives us a goal and motivates us to achieve any goal. Our power of comprehension helps us to gather information, process it and evolve a plan to attain this goal. Our power of action helps us enact and actualise this plan and achieve our goal. What is important for us to realise is, the stronger our will power, the faster is our progress. As all of us have experienced the saying, where there is a will there is a way. And where there is a divine will, then there is definitely going to be a divine way.
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