Holika Dahan 2024: Expert Advises Spiritual Remedies To Overcome Life's Challenges
Holika Dahan 2024: Expert Advises Spiritual Remedies To Overcome Life's Challenges
This year, it will be celebrated on March 25, preceded by Holika Dahan on March 24.

The auspicious occasion of Holi is considered to be a harbinger of positive energies. People often take extra measures to ensure that they can overcome the troubles in their lives. Pandit Yogesh Kukreti, a resident of Dehradun, Uttarakhand, explains that Holi is celebrated on the full moon day of the Phalgun month and this year, it will be celebrated on March 25, preceded by Holika Dahan on March 24.

In Hinduism, it is believed that the fire of Holika holds significant power. As per beliefs, all troubles and negativity are burnt to ashes in the fire of Holika Dahan, symbolising the victory of good over evil. In Hindu mythology, Holika, a demon immune to fire, attempted to burn her nephew Prahlad, a devotee of Vishnu, in a bonfire. She got immolated, representing the triumph of good over evil.

Pandit Yogesh explains that special actions taken on the day of Holika Dahan can help individuals overcome various problems in their lives. On the day of Holi, younger individuals should show respect to their elders and seek their blessings. During Holika Dahan, if feasible, one should place furniture closer to the fire to dispel any negative energies. Holashtak, observed 8 days before Holi, is a period during which auspicious activities like marriages, mundan ceremonies and housewarmings should be avoided. Additionally, Pandit Yogesh advises against engaging in any financial transactions or taking loans on the day of Holi.

To ease financial crises, Pandit Yogesh suggests specific measures to be taken on the day of Holika Dahan. He recommends praying for the cessation of sorrow and poverty. For those whose businesses are struggling, wearing yellow clothes on the day of Holika Dahan is recommended. Additionally, tying 11 Gomti Chakras and placing black turmeric and a silver coin wrapped in a black cloth into the Holika fire after circling it can be beneficial. For parents troubled by children neglecting their studies, encouraging the child to offer coconut, betel and betel nuts in the Holika fire is advised.

Holi and Holika Dahan hold deep significance in Hindu tradition, symbolising the triumph of good over evil and offering opportunities for spiritual and practical remedies to life’s challenges.

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