Mid Year Reportcard: Who Has Owned The 'Superhero' Year So Far
Mid Year Reportcard: Who Has Owned The 'Superhero' Year So Far
Marvel has been leading the game with two amazing films and one lukewarm CGI dependent, while DC is yet to prove its worth.

We are halfway into what has been a fantastic year for Hollywood and the coming months look exciting for the upcoming films. We had earlier predicted 2016 to be the year owned by Marvel and DC Universe and the prophecy has stayed true so far.

At the beginning of 2016, Marvel and DC had planned to unleash everything big in store for the comic books fan. From Deadpool to Apocalypse, both the universe promised big surprises, lots of action and a direction to the future of big franchise like Avengers, X-Men and Justice League. So how well have the year been for the Superhero films? A mix bag, to be precise.

The year of Superheroes began with Marvel's most loved anti-hero Deadpool. The red masked mercenary won the hearts of the critics and audience alike with his dark humour and sarcastic remarks. Ryan Reynolds proved to be more skillful in red than green and we got a refreshing change from 'let's-do-larger-good-for-the-universe' kind of Marvel morals. We loved the sassy new X-Men and would love to see him join the main league and revive it with his wit and badassery.

After a bombing start, DC revealed its Universe's biggest clash in March. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice was supposed to be an engaging fight between two of the most loved heroes of DC Universe. With Henry Cavil reprising his role of the red caped super human and Ben Affleck filling in Christian Bale shoes as older Batman, expectation were enormous but sadly this Zack Snyder directorial failed to make a mark. Despite introducing super villain Lex Luthor and Wonder Woman, the film gave a very lukewarm start to an otherwise amazing Justice League. The film was hero-studded, but too much (melo)drama sank its ship and left fans disappointed.

After a failed Hero Vs Hero saga, audience was a little sceptical about Marvel's superhero showdown, Captain America: Civil War. With Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr promoting Team Cap and Team Ironman wherever possible, the film garnered immense response from the critics. Pitting two of our favourite Avengers against each other, Marvel not only cashed in the old cold vibe between the two characters but also created a broken path for future Avenger films. While Captain's storyline took a drastic turn from a hero to a fugitive, a potential Iron Man sequel came into sight with introduction of numerous Marvel characters, who are going to get their own spin offs soon.

Black Panther and Spiderman won our hearts in this superhero saga and we can't wait for these two heroes to get their own film and reveal their stories.

Next film to make its way to the box office was Marvel Universe's X-Men: Apocalypse. Backed by mythology and some outstanding destruction, the film lacked a fresh approach and looked like a stale tale of morality and threat. After an amazing prequel, X-Men: Days of The Future Past, expectations were high but Bryan Singer failed to live upto them. However in its defence, the film gave a closure to already juiced out storyline and now we can't wait for a younger, new crop to fill in the X-Men world. Also, the end credit scene promised something big cooking up for Hugh Jackman's last stint as Wolverine in Wolverine 3.

Marvel has been leading the game with two amazing films and one lukewarm CGI dependent, while DC is yet to prove its worth. Although, the game is going to go up in the remaining months as Suicide Squad makes it way to compete with everything 'Marvel'ous. Let's gear up for super villains to take the world by a storm and Benedict Cummberbatch bewitching us with his first Marvel appearance in Dr Strange.

So far 2016 has been ruled by Deadpool and Team Captain America, let's see what the remaining half brings to us. For Now Marvel-1, DC-0 .

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