Telugu star Samantha Akkineni has joined the cast of Raj and DK’s hit Amazon Prime show The Family Man in the second season. The series is based on the life of a anti-terror squad officer, played by Manoj Bajpayee, and the first season was quite successful for its storytelling and themes.
Now, Samantha is also on board the series, however the nature of her role is not certain as of now. She recently dubbed for the project and in a Instagram live session also descried season two of Family Man as ‘kick-a**’. Since, Samantha has approved of the series, fans can’t seem to catch up on new episodes sooner than later.
Talking about her digital debut series The Family Man 2, the actress said, “This is the most excitement you will see on my face. I completed dubbing of the series. Oh my god! It is so kick-a**!”
The Amazon Original Series received an overwhelmingly positive response from consumers in India and around the world. The first season of the show also became the most-watched Amazon Original in India.
Samantha joins the cast in season two of the series, which include names like Bajpayee, Priyamani, Sharib Hashmi, Darshan Kumar, Sharad Kelkar, Sunny Hinduja, Shreya Dhanwantary, Shahab Ali, Vedant Sinha and Mahek Thakur. It is created, directed and produced by Raj and DK, through their production company D2R Films, and is written by Raj and DK in association with Suman Kumar.
The upcoming season will put Srikant Tiwari (Manoj Bajpayee) against a new powerful and avenging adversary. It promises lots of exciting and action-filled moments while exploring relatable themes of home, belonging and estrangement.
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