This Massive Pitcher In UP's Kannauj Can Hold Upto 2000 Litres of Water
This Massive Pitcher In UP's Kannauj Can Hold Upto 2000 Litres of Water
It might seem unbelievable to you that this pitcher is so huge that it can hold about 2000 litres of water.

With time, technology has progressed so much that people have innumerable ways to beat the heat. Fans, coolers and air conditioners are used to avoid the summer heat indoors. The evolution of having cold water has progressed over time too. The water from the well used to give relief to people in old times, then came the era of earthen clay pots which used to keep the water cool. And now, refrigerators define cooling in the modern era.

You must have seen innumerable pots either at your home, in other’s homes, stores or/and roads. But have you come across a pot so big that it can hold 2000 litres of water? You read it right. Today, we are going to enlighten you about the world’s biggest pot. But this pot isn’t of recent times. It was buried in the soil for thousands of years before being dug up.

It might seem unbelievable to you that this pitcher is so huge that it can hold about 2000 litres of water. But this is no joke. This huge pitcher is safely cased at a museum in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh for the people to see as an exhibit.

It is said to be the largest pitcher in the world. According to historians, the pot is almost 2000 years old. This ancient era pot and utensils like this are said to be used by people of the Kushan dynasty that existed in the region back then.

These pots of the Kushan dynasty were excavated about 40 years ago. Research revealed that they were made and used between 78 AD to 230 AD. River Ganga used to pass through the area where this pot was found. The same water was stored in these pots. Various types of utensils used during the Kushan dynasty were found in the excavation. But this pot was the most attention-drawing one.

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