3 Yoga Asanas To Improve Your Thinking Power
3 Yoga Asanas To Improve Your Thinking Power
The creator of Sarva Yoga Studio, Sarvesh Shashi, focuses on three asanas and breathing techniques that will improve your ability to think clearly. Check them here

Memory loss is a common concern that affects people of all ages. While occasional forgetfulness is a normal part of life, some individuals may experience more severe memory problems that can impact their daily activities and quality of life. However, the problem can be improved if a person is performing yoga on regular basis. According to a research carried out by Harvard Medical Review, a person who practices yoga has a thicker cerebral cortex, which is responsible for processing information. Sarvesh Shashi, founder of Sarva Yoga Studio, emphasized on three asanas and breathing exercises that’ll help you to enhance your thinking power.

“Do you often forget… damn, we forgot to finish the sentence, it looks like we need some yoga asanas. If you also get forgetful sometimes, here are three asanas that will help you improve your memory,” he wrote.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

  • This posture stimulates the mind, builds focus, improves concentration and willpower. Also known as extended hand-to-big-toe pose, it also promotes balance, strengthens the legs and core, and increases flexibility in the hamstrings and hips.Stand in Tadasana, lift one foot off the ground, hold the big toe with your hand, and extend your leg out in front of you.
  • Then, open your leg out to the side. Hold the pose for a few moments, and release.
  • Practicing this pose regularly can improve your ability to think, increase flexibility in lower body, and overall balance

Bhramari Pranayama

  • It is a breathing technique in yoga with numerous benefits for the mind and body. It involves inhaling deeply and exhaling while humming like a bee. This practice is known to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve concentration and memory.
  • Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
  • Take a deep breath and while exhaling, make a humming sound like a bee.
  • Repeat this process


  • Also known as tree pose, this yoga posture helps to improve balance, focus, and concentration. It improves neuromuscular coordination, resulting in better concentration.
  • Stand tall and shift your weight to one foot, then place the sole of the other foot on the inner thigh of the standing leg.
  • Find a steady gaze and hold the pose for several deep breaths.
  • Repeat on the other side. Regular practice of Vrikshasana can lead to improved overall balance and mental focus.

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