Alia Bhatt has shared details about her playtime diaries with baby Raha. She and her husband Ranbir Kapoor have been overjoyed since they welcomed their daughter in November 2022, and they can’t stop talking about how wonderful she is. Alia and Ranbir are both devoted parents and she recently expressed her delight about Raha, including her adorable nickname, the happiness she brings, and the realization that childhood passes by quickly.
In a conversation with Vogue India, Alia revealed that “Raha is such a happy baby.” The actress added that she is in the process of learning to speak, which prompted Alia and Ranbir to give her the nickname ‘cheetah’ because of the small noises she makes.
“You just need to give her a little smile and she will return it tenfold. She’s just starting to find her voice, so Ranbir and I call her ‘cheetah’ because of all these tiny sounds she makes while trying to communicate,” Alia adds. She also finds great joy in just looking at Raha’s face and feels it’s important to hold her close as she will grow up very quickly. “Looking at her face makes everything worth it, even on the toughest days. Just holding her close feels so important right now since I know she’s going to grow up too soon and not want to sit in my lap or hang out with me anymore,” Alia said.
Alia Bhatt also mentioned that Ranbir Kapoor has always been a sensitive, loyal, and supportive person, but since becoming a father, he has become even more sensitive towards his daughter Raha, whom he adores. Alia also finds it cute to watch Ranbir and Raha together, as he has had to gain weight for a role in the movie Animal, and when he picks up Raha, “it’s like this giant picking up a little puppy,” said Alia. She also revealed that Ranbir is very involved in taking care of Raha, to the extent that it can sometimes be challenging for her to even hold Raha for a second.
As for her professional life, Alia Bhatt’s upcoming projects include Karan Johar’s film Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, in which she will be seen alongside Ranveer Singh, Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan, and Shabana Azmi. Additionally, Alia is set to make her debut in Hollywood with Netflix’s movie Heart Of Stone.
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