Modi can win the BJP more seats in UP than Rajnath: Ashok Malik
Modi can win the BJP more seats in UP than Rajnath: Ashok Malik
What will be the implications of the BJP's leadership change on Narendra Modi's prime ministerial aspirations?

What will be the implications of the BJP's leadership change on Narendra Modi's prime ministerial aspirations? Senior journalist Ashok Malik joined IBNLive readers for an interaction on the issue.

Q. What are the forces which propelled Rajnath Singh to power and why? From Yashwant Sinha to Khanduri to Swaraj - there were so many other competent candidates. I keep hearing RSS hand . Can you explain the raison d'etre here? Asked by: Yuvamani

A. RSS went for its next-best option. That's it.

Q. If not Modi then who is most capable PM candidate in BJP-Jaitley, Manohar Parikh who else? Asked by: narendra Jain

A. Both seem good back-up options.

Q. For eliminating corruption from this country who is the better option other than Narendra Modi? Asked by: Jatin

A. Not who, but what, I'd argue. Systems and a less discretionary authority in the form of the government works better than an individual.

Q. If not Modi who is other person can take on Rahul baba? Is it Jaitly, Sushma? Asked by: jk nair

A. As Von Bork said in "His Last Bow": "There is only one man".

Q. What do you think will be outcome of NaMo vs Rahul for PM 2014, if it is projected as such, with both fighting in open? Asked by: ANkit p

A. Can't predict an election result but it will be a compelling battle.

Q. India todat wants PM , who can take people, party & opposition together. Narendra Modi is "Ekla chalo" man or My way or highway personality, will it good for country in long term? Most of such leaders acroos global have gave some benfits to country but at the end country had paid very high price ? what is your views? Asked by: Deepak Desai

A. That is an observation, not a question.

Q. Narendra modi is a hero of a state. His acceptability to other states must be proved, even for the chief ministers ruled by the BJP, leave alone others. Asked by: Prathap

A. Okay.

Q. Rajnath Singh had avoided Narendra Modi to canvassing in U.P. State election, North BJP lobby is always avoiding Narendra Modi. for canvassing in North belt, NM will have no scope beyound Gujarat? May be misused by Rajnath Singh to prove NM wrong beyond Gujarat? What is your views on that? Asked by: Deepak Desai

A. Let's see, can't make such definitive predictions.

Q. May my question is off the mark with respect to this chat. I find the congress spokesperson finding it difficult to counter BJP's offensive against the home minister. Your thoughts? Asked by: Manish Sharma

A. I agree. When pinned on the specifics of what he sadi, the Congress is on the backfoot.

Q. Do you see AAP(Aam Aadmi party) making big impact or will it join BJP under Rajnath Singh? Asked by: Varun

A. I see it staying independent and taking away some votes, but no seats, in big cities like Delhi.

Q. Do you think the English-Language media has inadvertently helped to create a personality cult around Modi thereby helping his national amibitions? Asked by: Vijay Vikram

A. Absolutely.

Q. Is there a possibility of TDP forming an alliance with BJP before polls if Narendra Modi is declared as PM Candidate? Which party suits BJP best to form pre-poll alliance to gain some seats in AP? Asked by: Shekhar

A. Don't see the TDP or any party in AP tying up with BJP before the polls.

Q. Do you think there is a possibility of Nitish forming pre-poll alliance with Congress, should BJP declare Narendra Modi as its PM Candidate ? Asked by: Shekhar

A. No. Congress brings nothing to the table in Bihar. Nitish would rather go it alone.

Q. Why is election about strategies, winning power rather than solving problems, candidates' opinion on matters etc?Isn't it media's job to educate people? Asked by: Namita

A. Governance is about solving problems. Elections are about winning the right to offer solutions to problems.

Q. Isn't Modi's position stronger with Rajnath Singh in central position? Asked by: Namita

A. No idea.

Q. Is not it unfair to compare Modi with Rahul? Modi has a record of administering a state successfully for more than a decade. Rahul has yet to prove himself. Asked by: Sarin Kumar

A. True, but if they are the faces of their respective parties, a comparison will be made.

Q. Sir, I am a big fan of yours. Where can I read your earlier articles? Asked by: Manish Sharma

A. On websites of the papers I write for. I haven't collated them on a blog or personal website, I'm afraid.

Q. Don't you think if Modi is PM candidate,then majority muslims will vote for congress and hence the prospects of SP like parties which thrive on muslim votes be hampered? Asked by: avishek

A. I would tend to agree with you.

Q. What do you see in 2014? will it be UPA3 under Rahul or will it be a Mulayam type govt? Asked by: Preeti

A. Can't make a prediction, but Congress is facing a challenging situation.

Q. Would it be better for BJP if they had a manifesto on what they would like to accomplish if they return to power in 2014? A detailed plan would go a long way in assuring the people that they have thought on the needs of India and to make it a better one. Asked by: EMathew

A. A detailed plan would be necessary but not sufficient to win new voters.

Q. What would Rajnath's startegy be in South India, especially AP and Karnataka? Asked by: EMathew

A. Karnataka can be rescued, even now, if the BJP puts its mind to it.

Q. Rajnath Singh's biggest task would be to bring in more partners as well as see to it that BJP can muster 150 to 180 seats by itself. Your thoughts. Asked by: EMathew

A. There's a huge difference between 150 and 180 seats. Right now the BJP needs to maximise its seats, partners can come later.

Q. BJP it seems is a divided house. The message it is trying to drive home to its supporters, well wishers and the nation is quite vague and inconsistent. Will they bring in NaMO? One feels it could be easier for him now to be the PM candidate. What are teh options in front of them? Asked by: Narayan

A. Modi is an obvious front-runner.

Q. Hi Ashok, Good Afternoon, Rajnath Singh the Party President once again roadblock for Modi to be PM Candidate? Earlier term as president from 2006 to 2009, Mr Singh shared a fractious relationship with Narendra Modi. Asked by: Jagannath Pujar

A. It's a new beginning and the individual has evolved, as have operating conditions.

Q. Rajnath himself is one more aspirant and a pet to RSS ...good in Alliances ...Not corrupt ....He has started aggressively...and will build brand this time around... against Shinde....Will this be a counter to Modi who though has huge following cannot be seen as an alliance man. Asked by: Jay

A. I wish him luck.

Q. I think with the Change in BJP leadership It can now add another 18-20 seats from UP and this could change a lot things from them which could actually help Modi as getting more allies in lieu of JD-U may not be too difficult. Your thoughts? Asked by: Manish Sharma

A. If you ask me, Modi can win the BJP more seats in UP than Rajnath.

Q. Rajnath Singh will need Narendra Modi to campaign in UP to counter SP, BSP and the Congress. I think with a UP president + Kalyan Singh the BJP is now suddenly looking stronger in UP. Your thoughts? Asked by: Manish Sharma

A. Already answered a variation of this.

Q. Simple one if you can ask youth around 19 to 40 years around 70 per cent is with BJP and 25% with Congress and 5 per cent with others? Now if BJP with Modi from last few years i see they are almost out of 70 per cent 80 to 85 per cent only because of Modi.. so without Modi I don't think so out of 80 per cent - 70 per cent vote.. So very low turnout in Voting? So BJP chances are very less.. What is your view? But i am clear and youth that I know they will not vote any party in 2014..without Modi as PM.. Asked by: Atir

A. The youth vote is a big factor in 2014. It is upset with the government and is up for grabs. It is for the BJP to optimise the situation.

Q. Modi has a no nonsense approach to administration. Don't you feel all coalition partners would fall in line once BJP hardens it stand on its Prime Ministerial choice, considering that third front is a non starter, and all these coalition partners are together primarily due to anti congressism? Unlike Mulayam & BJP ties, there are no permanent enemies in politics. Asked by: Ajay Sharma

A. Modi has to deliver enough seats for allies to agree to him. It's as simple as that.

Q. Taking into account the deft organization man that Rajnath is, do u think that he'd be in a better position to string together alliances for the BJP should it emerge as the single largest party in 2014? Asked by: Pannag

A. Let's see.

Q. Is there any pressure on media from Congress to report in a particular manner(it includes all methods sam daan dand bhed)? Asked by: Namita

A. Nobody has ever put pressure on me, can't speak for others.

Q. Ajay here again. We are taking about PM projection, and not NaMO as PM after the results. You take on my question in light of pre poll alliances. Asked by: Ajay Sharma

A. I don't think BJP is going to get too many new pre-poll allies, irrespective of PM candidate.

Q. One more question? Whenever I go and meet some person any part of India.. they know Modi and don't know anything about Rajnath? SO what is your opinion on without Modi BJP will not cross 100? Asked by: Shruti

A. BJP will cross 100. With Modi it will probably gain much more.

Q. Thanks for ans but a diplomatic one...doesn't reflect the truth...journos should speak the truth Asked by: Namita

A. What have I said that you construe as a lie?

Q. I take your ans as a 'yes' on pressure from Cong... Asked by: Namita

A. Not at all. I have faced no pressure from the Congress.

Q. In many villages Indira Gandhi or Gandhi family is respected still. So will that benefit Rahul Gandhi? can he be the face of anti incumbency? Asked by: Preeti

A. He has a brand identity but disengaging himself from the mood against UPA 2, after 10 years of incumbency, will be tricky.

Q. Whether it will be good for NM in Rajnath regime for him PM hopes? Asked by: anil sah

A. Too early to tell.

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