Tech savvy marketing, political parties adopt new media
Tech savvy marketing, political parties adopt new media
Political jingles on FM radios, MMS appeals and caller tunes on your cell phone.

New Delhi: A recent ASSOCHAM survey shows more than half of the working professionals in Delhi do not want to vote, but that has not stopped political parties from wooing them by using new media techniques to communicate their campaign message.

It's an hour-long ordeal for Anup jain everyday. Anup like most working professionals of the city lives in Delhi and works in Gurgaon. He covers a distance of 15 kms to his office in more than an hr everyday.

This Marketing Director of Pizza hut says just as a new pasta dish in the restaurant menu needs to be advertised and marketing is crucial to effectively sell political ideals to urban voters.

“The political parties in the fray are catching up to reaching out to working professionals. Their media sensibilities are getting better but their sensitivity around what concerns us and what really they should target us for the message is not appropriate,” says Marketing Director, Pizza Hut, Anup Jain.

It might have failed to make a connect with him but for 1000s of working professionals on the move the new media campaigns by political parties is working.

"They have been sending SMS with their party sumbols to create a brand recall," Namita.

Political jingles on FM radios, MMS appeals and caller tunes on your cell phone, parties say more communication tacks will be unleashed before the Election day.

"Now you must reach out to the target audience as much as you can and in a very crisp and innovative method, in the future an alternmative to noisy political campaigning will not be deaf scilence," says Arun Jaitely.

It’s campaigns hat have made this CEO of an Indo Italian consultancy firm sit up and take notice. Logging on to face book, Namita was not surprised to find a facebook group on the politicians in fray.

But all this interest still isn’t taking her to the polling booth Namita like many who come to the city to build a career hasn’t got her voter registration.

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