Building a strong relationship with your partner requires effort, communication, and mutual understanding. First and foremost, prioritize open and honest communication, expressing your feelings, needs, and concerns while actively listening to your partner. Show appreciation and gratitude for each other, acknowledging their efforts and qualities. Cultivate trust by being reliable, keeping your promises, and maintaining transparency. Make quality time a priority, sharing activities and experiences that foster connection and create lasting memories. Lastly, be patient, understanding that relationships require work and occasional setbacks are normal. With consistent effort, love, and respect, you can strengthen your bond and create a fulfilling and lasting partnership.
“What you water and take care of, flourishes. Just like nature, if we choose to sow good seeds of love in our relationships, nurture the good aspects of them and protect our relationships from the times conversation go downhill, our relationship will continue to flourish and reap fruits of Joy, Purpose, Happiness, Contentment like no other,” says Aashmeen Munjaal, Ontologist, mental health and Relationship expert.
Munjal shares the 10 steps to make a relationship strong with your partner:
- Couple Morning RoutineIt is important that as early in the day as you can, choose to sit and journal about the qualities you appreciate about your partner. No matter how many years you have been together, when you list down the good qualities of your partner, they will become more prominent and by the law of the universe, you will automatically attract good events with them. Eg : I am thankful to my husband for making me laugh, I am thankful to my wife for making tea for me, etc.
- Appreciate themMake it a note to compliment your partner about what they did well. Maybe them messaging you I love you made you feel great, let them know! If you appreciate the way your partner packs your lunch and how it makes you feel deeply cared for and loved, let your partner know that you love that about them, etc. You can do this via speaking or via messaging them right away!
- Have effective communicationAny two humans may have different point of views about same situation and may have a conflict of views. It is highly effective for you to take a step back; see why they are saying what they are saying. You may not agree with their point of view, but one must respect that they are saying it from their experience and life’s learning and there is no absolute correct way. Try to talk and come to a solution halfway. It is vital to provide an honest and safe environment for Communication.
- Quality timeSchedule and plan quality dates with your partner. It doesn’t matter if you have been married for 50 years, take out time every day, or week, or twice a week to spend quality time doing things you both enjoy. You could go for walks in morning, or after dinner; you could plan Saturday as your couple date night, or go for a weekend couple vacation every month. Make sure to spend quality time with one another.
- Put in deliberate effortYou would like to feel special, wouldn’t you? So does your partner! Know what your partner likes, and put it in an extra effort to please their likings. If they like a clean house, a particular scent, you with certain kind of clothes, flowers – Put in effort occasionally to make them feel loved. When you start giving, be ready to start receiving the joy in the relationship.
- Flirting is good for your relationship healthIt is always fun to add sparks in your relationship as it keeps the sizzle and joy alive. A message of love you have for them, or how much they mean to you, a song that reminds you of them, or a dance celebrating your relationship: Understand your partner’s way of expressing love and put in effort to ensure they feel loved. Showing physical affection, such as hugs, kisses, and holding hands, can help reinforce your emotional connection and demonstrate your love for your partner.
- Never go to bed being angryIt is very crucial in any relationship to forgive. It is nature of human life to do mistakes, even if unknowingly. One must learn to let go and forgive them. One can also discuss how will one ensure that the mistake never happens again, so they can learn from the incident and grow together as a couple!
- TrustTrust is essential for a strong and healthy relationship. Be reliable and consistent in your actions and words. Small things like: Saying I will be there at the date, and not showing up; or I will plan a vacation and then getting super absorbed at work are signs of not being consistent with actions and words. No need to overcommit, but just make sure that whatever you do commit, you do a 100%.
- Learn and Grow TogetherEncourage your partner to pursue their own interests and goals, and support them in their personal growth and development. It is important to continue learning as an individual as well as a couple. It is highly recommended to attend seminars, watch videos, participate in retreats around topics that interest you both, as when you learn together, you grow together and that highly impacts quality of life as an individual, as a couple and as a family.
- CelebrationCelebrating important occasions and milestones together, such as birthdays and anniversaries, can help create lasting memories and strengthen your bond.
Above are few pointers which will set to create joy, romance, bonding in your relationship with your partner.
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