Air Pollution: Fortis Top Doc Busts Myths Around Air Purifiers [VIDEO]
Air Pollution: Fortis Top Doc Busts Myths Around Air Purifiers [VIDEO]
Dr. Vivek Nangia, Director & Head, Pulmonology, Fortis Hospital busts some myths around air pollution and air purifiers.

Air purifiers are very simple devices and there is no visible results to judge which air purifier is better than the other. Also, Air Quality Index (AQI) is way more than just measuring PM2.5 and PM10 particles. PM2.5 particles only constitutes 25 percent of the air. So, a low PM2.5 meter reading inside a room doesn’t necessarily mean you are breathing good air. There are other components like dust, soot, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, viruses, VOCs, sulphur, carbon, etc. which are equally responsible for diseases. READ FULL STORY

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