Days after Delhi Police warned the public against fraudulent ticket sales of Diljit Dosanjh’s ‘Dil-Luminati Tour’ in India, a woman fell to the scam and lost Rs 15,000. Her friend was also scammed out of Rs 6,000. Mahima Jalan, the victim, revealed that although the 32-year-old scammer provided his Aadhaar card to build trust, she admitted it was “foolish” of her to believe him. Jalan has since filed a complaint with the cyber cell.
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“This account Dharmendra Singh (Crigyan07) has scammed me and a few more on X by selling fake tickets for Diljit Dosanjh’s show. He took 15k from me, 6k from my friend and god knows how much money from others,” Jalan wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter).
She further explained that she attempted to contact him using another number but to no avail. Singh has also blocked her on the microblogging platform after tricking her into Rs 15,000 ticket scam.
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Jalan has now turned to X for assistance, urging her followers to bombard Singh with messages and calls, hoping that the pressure might prompt him to return the money. “Kya pata darr ke ya sharam khaa kr paise vapas kar de [Who knows, maybe out of fear or shame, he’ll refund it]!”
Take a look at the entire post here:
Many reacted to this scam, with one saying, “This same screenshot is circulating on the Iternet, and many scammers are trying to make money off of it! Never buy tickets like this! Even if he had shared it with you, he could have sold the same tickets to multiple people!”
“This same screenshot is circulating on the internet, and many scammers are trying to make money off of it! Never buy tickets like this! Even if he had shared it with you, he could have sold the same tickets to multiple people!” added another.
A third commented, “That’s worrisome how people are finding ways to dupe others. Phew, I hope he gets caught.”
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